I help Metal bands make memorable songs

Songwriting • Production • Mixing

What We Do



Songwriting Refinement

We go through each riff, lyric, and song structure to make sure your future fans will remember your name after After listening to your song for the first time.

Unique Tones and Recording

Fuck amp-sim presets. Fuck the samples everyone is using. We make something unique for you, from the ground up, with real equipment.

Mixing and Mastering Your Track

Now you have an iconic song, we make sure it has a HUGE sounding mix that fits right next to other pro bands tracks, and stands on its own with the unique tones we built.


Featured Releases



What Our Artists Say


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Client Feature: How Brandon from Life Barrier Went From Bedroom Production Sounds To Memorable Art



Client Feature: Crafting a unique guitar tone with Idle Will in real time from across the state



Make Something To Be Proud Of



Nice to meet you! I’m Anthony Potenza, a rock/metal producer that specializes in making memorable metalcore. Wow, fancy word flow I know right? But seriously, it comes down to 2 things in my process:

1 - Focus on the song! No tone will save a forgettable chorus, and in a short-attention world, we have to hook them in and get them moving FAST.

2 - Unique Tone Crafting. Personally, I think presets and sample libraries are killing art and creativity. You’ll find none of that here, my process is collaborative in creating something FOR YOU, truly from the ground up. No clicking “heavy dj0rnt 5” and calling it a day, that’s the fast track to blending in with the scene and getting nowhere with the song.

If this sounds exciting to you, I’d love to connect and have a conversation about your music.


The way we make your music matters.